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Tam­mela reg­u­lar­ly adjust­ed her course depend­ing on spe­cif­ic top­ics I came up with which made…the course prac­ti­cal and use­ful for the goal I had. I start­ed reflect­ing [on] my Eng­lish skills pret­ty quick­ly in my day to day life. I was also able to adapt and improve my skills. The most use­ful parts of the course were those where we dis­cussed how to adjust the lan­guage depend­ing on the audience. 

Sujee­van Vijayaku­maran, Senior Solu­tions Archi­tect at GitLab

Before I met Tam­mela, I was not very con­fi­dent about my Eng­lish writ­ing skills and Tam­mela [has] been very sup­port­ive about my writ­ing skills and pro­vid­ed me with the tools to make the writ­ing skills bet­ter for me. My lis­ten­ing skills [have also] improved sig­nif­i­cant­ly and I use all the tech­niques we have learned dur­ing the course.

[Tam­mela is] reli­able, punc­tu­al and well orga­nized. She always [finds] what’s best for her stu­dents to do for them to be suc­cess­ful. Tam­mela is a great teacher for any­one who wants to learn Eng­lish for their pro­fes­sion­al career or wants to learn more for them­selves in every­day life. She is patient with her stu­dents and [takes] the time to lis­ten and under­stand their needs. I will def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend her to any­one who is look­ing to fresh­en up their skills in English. 

Part­ner ser­vices spe­cial­ist, MENA

Before I worked with Tam­mela I trans­lat­ed my newslet­ter by myself and used DeepL to check my trans­la­tion. But I felt unsure about some expres­sions and words… Now I feel com­fort­able address­ing my cus­tomers abroad appro­pri­ate­ly. And I feel much more con­fi­dent send­ing the newslet­ter in Eng­lish. Tam­mela is cheer­ful, solu­tion-ori­ent­ed and full of ideas. I wel­come the pro­fes­sion­al pre- and post-pro­cess­ing of the material.

Anja L., Founder & own­er, SEPIA — Agen­tur für Illustration

I feel def­i­nite­ly more confident…when it comes to Eng­lish con­ver­sa­tions. It was very help­ful to have enough room just to speak Eng­lish and get help­ful cor­rec­tion and tips after­wards. Just thank you — I can rec­om­mend [Tam­me­la’s] cours­es to every­one who would like to improve his/her English.

Con­sul­tant for the pub­lic sec­tor, DACH

Tam­mela is real­ly a good teacher. She was always very friend­ly and sup­port­ive. I felt real­ly inse­cure in speak­ing and with the gram­mar. [Now] it’s more eas­i­er for me to talk and have a con­ver­sa­tion with oth­ers. Tam­mela was always well pre­pared and so we used the time very effec­tive­ly. She used dif­fer­ent meth­ods in her teaching.

Daniela S., psychotherapist

It was absolute­ly great! The course was very inter­est­ing with a lot of vari­ety. You have so many dif­fer­ent kind of ideas how to get in con­tact with the oth­er participants…So it is easy to talk to each oth­er. It is nice to work in lit­tle groups in the break­out rooms and to work with all togeth­er. Here the vari­ety is very good! Also your ideas for train­ing tele­phon­ing or ask­ing some­body ques­tions or spelling num­bers and let­ters are very good.

Heike H., Admin­is­tra­tor, Uni­ver­si­ty of Münster

I can high­ly rec­om­mend your cours­es. […] Your course was a mas­sive game chang­er for me and I am still glad I decid­ed to go for it, at that time!

Katha­ri­na, CFO

Pro­fes­sion­al but at the same time relaxed work­ing atmos­phere with notice­able improve­ment in every session…Great val­ue for mon­ey! All things are very well orga­nized and managed.

Tobias G., 1‑to‑1 Busi­ness Eng­lish Refresher

I par­tic­i­pat­ed in Tam­me­la’s Eng­lish course and I liked it very much. It was var­ied, inter­est­ing, relaxed and helped with brush­ing up. I also liked the exe­cu­tion via Zoom, it saves time and is enter­tain­ing due to the break­ing rooms.

Par­tic­i­pant from high­er edu­ca­tion sector

Thank you for the good teach­ing. I like your lessons, it is nev­er boring. 

Par­tic­i­pant from high­er edu­ca­tion sector

After the 20 Lessons with Tam­mela it feels much more nat­ur­al using the Eng­lish lan­guage. We talk about lots of dif­fer­ent top­ics dur­ing our course. I become more con­fi­dent in using words. The course was well orga­nized, the goals of every lessons were clear com­mu­ni­cat­ed as well as the homework…Tammela was very flex­i­ble in arrang­ing our course time. The mix between in Per­son- and Zoom-Meet­ings was joyable.

Dr. Ulrich Schaper, journalist


Ich wollte meine englis­che Sprache in einem speziellen Bere­ich verbessern. [Tam­mela hat sich] gut in meine Sit­u­a­tion hinein gedacht und tolle Anmerkun­gen gegeben. Das gemein­same Sprechen [war beson­ders wertvoll]!

Nils B., Advanced Busi­ness Eng­lish Skills

Es hat mir sehr sehr gut gefall­en! Didak­tisch ist es sehr dynamisch, schnell und immer wieder auf die jew­eilige Sit­u­a­tion angepasst. Ich fand die Ele­mente des Lesens, Hörens, selb­st Dialoge führen oder den Part­ner zu inter­viewen sehr vielfältig und abwech­sel­nd. Die vie­len Inter­views mit ver­schiede­nen Part­nern gaben uns auch die Möglichkeit uns untere­inan­der ken­nen­zuler­nen. Vie­len Dank dafür! Ich habe es noch nie erlebt, dass die Zeit so schnell verge­ht und es an kein­er Stelle lang­weilig wurde.  Didak­tisch her­vor­ra­gend auf­bere­it­et und immer wieder mit den Ele­menten angepasst an die Leis­tun­gen der Kursteil­nehmer. Du hast jeden mitgenom­men und nie­man­dem das Gefühl gegeben, etwas nicht zu kön­nen. Dadurch ver­liert man die Angst des Sprechens und plaud­ert ein­fach drauf los. 

A.J., Teilnehmer*in aus dem Hochschulbereich

Der Unter­richt hat Spaß gemacht und war sehr kurzweilig. In kurz­er Zeit haben wir effizient gear­beit­et. Das Pro­gramm war gut vor­bere­it­et und gut struk­turi­ert. Wir haben per Zoom gel­ernt. Das hat in ein­er 6er Gruppe wun­der­bar funk­tion­iert. Eine sym­pa­this­che, tolle Lehrerin!

Teilnehmer*in aus dem Hochschulbereich

Die Kursin­halte ori­en­tieren sich an den Bedarf von Kursteilnehmer*innen und es wird dif­feren­ziert unter­richtet. Tam­mela set­zt dabei unter­schiedliche Instru­mente ein, um die The­men möglichst prax­is­be­zo­gen aber auch inter­es­sant und motiviert zu ver­mit­teln. Ich freue mich auf den weit­eren Englisch-Kurs bei Tammela.

Teilnehmer*in aus dem Hochschulbereich

Ich besuche die Englis­chkurse, um mein Englisch für den beru­flichen All­t­ag zu verbessern. Wir haben die Stun­den via Zoom ver­bracht, was sehr gut funk­tion­iert und meine Sprachkom­pe­tenz verbessert hat. Sehr engagierte, fre­undliche und immer pos­i­tives Feed­back gebende Englischlehrerin.

Teilnehmer*in aus dem Hochschulbereich