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Free stuff!

In addi­tion to my 1:1 Busi­ness Eng­lish pro­grams, here is some free stuff to sup­port your jour­ney towards con­fi­dent com­mu­ni­ca­tion in Eng­lish at work:

  1. A month­ly Platt Eng­lish newslet­ter with tips for Eng­lish self-study, use­ful Busi­ness Eng­lish phras­es, com­mon­ly con­fused words, and “false friends”. You’ll also be the first to learn about new course pro­grams, more free stuff, and mail­ing list-exclu­sive discounts!
  2. “6 Easy Steps to Intro­duc­ing Your­self Clear­ly and Con­cise­ly at Work”. This free guide pro­vides you with six easy steps you can take to cre­ate and hone your “ele­va­tor pitch” so that you feel more confi­dent and pre­pared to describe your job in any context.
  3. “How to use small talk to build bet­ter rela­tion­ship at work”. This free guide explains some com­mon small talk prob­lems and solu­tions, and it takes you through some exer­cis­es to help you pre­pare ideas for your next small talk situation.
cheers, free stuff, freebie